Julia Fischer
Violin and Piano
Director: Andreas Morell
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 118 min. / also available: 60 min.
16:9 shot in 1080i HDTV | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2008, a BFMI production for Unitel
Be­ing a world class so­loist is already a great ac­com­plish­ment. The abil­ity to play two in­stru­ments with equal qual­ity even more so. Ju­lia Fisc­her - the young­est vi­ol­in pro­fess­or ever - proofed her ex­cep­tion­al tal­ent at an un­for­get­able con­cert on Jan­nu­ary 1st, 2008 at the "Alte Op­er Frank­furt". She first per­formed the vi­ol­in con­certo no. 3 H minor op. 61 of Ca­m­ille Saint-Saëns, right after the break she took on the pi­ano to per­form Ed­vard Grieg's pi­ano con­cert A minor op.16.

She is ac­com­pan­ied by Junge Deutsche Phil­har­monie un­der the bat­on of highly renowned con­duct­or and com­poser Mat­thi­as Pintscher.

Two thumbs up for a stun­ning per­form­ance of a young world tal­ent un­leashed.
Richard Strauss
Don Juan, op. 20

Ca­m­ille Saint-Saëns
Vi­ol­in Con­certo No. 3 in B minor, op. 61

Ed­vard Grieg
Pi­ano Con­certo in A minor, op. 16

Richard Strauss
Der Rosen­kava­lier, Or­ches­tral Suite

Jo­hann Strauß
Künst­ler­leben, Waltz, op. 361

Josef Strauß
Ohne Sor­gen, Polka fast, op. 271