Elīna Garanča, Naturally A Singer...
Director: Claire Alby
Length: 51 min. 59 sec.
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
© 2006, a co-production with ZDF-arte & Unitel
The chal­lenges of a young sing­er today: by telling Elīna Garanča's story, this film in­vites us on a jour­ney in­to the heart of today's lyr­ic­al art. It is this in­triguing con­trast between the beam­ing sing­er on stage with the young, con­cen­trated wo­man, de­mand­ing and fra­gile in her work. This film will be a testi­mony, one of a fu­ture great sing­er that al­lows the gen­er­al pub­lic to dis­cov­er and un­der­stand the rise of a grand diva today...
"There is a mo­ment when you close your­self off com­pletely. You don’t want to let any­one in be­cause you have just giv­en and shown everything pos­sible of your­self and you simply feel empty and sort of lost. It is a spe­cial mo­ment… I mean…so I gath­er all the pieces to­geth­er that I have just giv­en away…in the second bal­cony of the first Loge or whatever the case may be… and the single pieces re­turn to you through the cos­mos. And then you have to place the pieces to­geth­er again like a small puzzle. [...] Some­times it oc­curs overnight. I wake up in the morn­ing and I real­ize: “Yes, the cos­mos has pieced me to­geth­er again.” - Elīna Garanča
Claire Alby is the dir­ect­or and au­thor of well per­ceived doc­u­ment­ar­ies like "Ka­ra­jan - L'homme qui ne re­vait ja­mais" and "Pas­sion Cal­las".