School of Listening
With Gustavo Dudamel and Nikolaus Harnoncourt
Director: Christian K. Weiß
Length: 2 x 45 min.
16:9 shot in HD | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2008, a BFMI production for Unitel & ZDF/Arte
This series of "The School of Listen­ing" with the Simón Bolívar Youth Or­ches­tra of Venezuela in­cludes:

Nikolaus Harnon­court
ex­pand­ing the mu­sic­al know­ledge on
Lud­wig van Beeth­oven’s
Sym­phony No. 5 in C minor, op. 67

Gust­avo Du­damel
broad­en­ing the ho­ri­zons on
Gust­av Mahler’s
Sym­phony No. 1 in in D ma­jor - "Ti­tan"
As the Simón Bolívar Youth Or­ches­tra was the Salzburg Fest­iv­al’s res­id­ent or­ches­tra of 2008, they en­thused the audi­ence with an out­stand­ing or­ches­tral con­cert per­form­ing Beeth­oven and Mus­sorgsky.