The School of Listening
Director: Christian K. Weiß
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
16:9 shot in 1080i HDTV | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
Length: 3 x 45 min.
© 2007, a BFMI production for Unitel
The School of Listen­ing is a three-day work­shop with Daniel Bar­en­boim, Robin Tici­atti and Pierre Boulez giv­ing mas­ter-classes with the West-East­ern Di­van Or­ches­tra dur­ing 2007 Salzburg Fest­iv­al in the Great Uni­versity Hall. One of the mas­ter classes took place on Au­gust 16th and is en­titled “The Phe­no­men of Sound”.
Daniel Bar­en­boim led it: “We star­ted eight years ago; many of our mu­si­cians have de­veloped ex­cel­lently, have won schol­arships, were able to study – and en­joy re­turn­ing to us. However, the be­gin­ners are no bet­ter than they where in 1999, which means that as a con­duct­or I have to strike a bal­ance between the dif­fer­ent levels.”
The second mas­ter class on the top­ic “The Con­duct­or and the Or­ches­tra”, on Au­gust 17th, was held by the young Itali­an con-duct­or Robin Tic­ci­ati to­geth­er with Daniel Bar­en­boim. The great con­duct­or and com­poser Pierre Boulez gave the fi­nal mas­ter class, on Au­gust 18th, ex­plain­ing the con­nec­tions between “Sound and Struc­ture”.