Mozart 22
Apollo et Hyacinthus
Distributor: C Major Entertainment / Unitel
Lenght: 73 min. 38 sec.
16:9 shot in Digital Video 25P / stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2006, a production of Unitel, and BFMI in co-production with Classica, in cooperation with the Salzburg Festivaln
Lat­in in­ter­me­di­um K. for the school play
Clem­etia Croesi by P. Rufinus Widl OSB (1767)

"Apollo et Hy­acinthus" is Moz­art’s very first op­er­at­ic ven­ture and was co­mis­sioned soon after the suc­cess­ful per­form­ance of "Schuldigkeit." "Apollo" is a Lat­in in­ter­mezzo that was in­ten­ded as an in­sert between the pro­logue and the five-act school drama "Clem­en­tia Croesi."

Curi­ously, it already con­tains many of the themes that would re­cur in Moz­art’s later op­er­as: dis­guise, in­trigue, trans­form­a­tion, self-dis­cov­ery.
The plot con­cerns Zephyr­us’ love for Melia, who is about to marry Apollo. In his jeal­ousy, Zephyr­us gravely wounds Hy­acinthus with a dis­cus and, to have Apollo ban­ished, ac­cuses Apollo of murder. Apollo, who saw Zeqhyr­us throw the dis­cus, turns the true cul­prit in­to a wind. The dy­ing Hay­acinthus re­veals the truth and Apollo con­soles the mourn­ing fam­ily by chan­ging their son in­to a flower.

Max­imili­an Kien­er, Oe­bal­us
Chris­ti­ane Karg, Melia
Jeka­ter­ina Tret­jakova, Hy­acinthus
Anja Schlosser, Apollo
Astrid Monika Hofer, Zephyr­us
Norbert Steidl, Priest
Moz­ar­teum Uni­versity Sym­phony Or­ches­tra

Josef Wallnig, con­duct­or
John Dew, stage dir­ect­or
Chris­ti­an K. Weiß, video dir­ect­or

Re­cord­ing dates: 04.08.| 27.08.| 28.08.2006
Ven­ue: Great Hall of the Salzburg Uni­versity