The Colón Ring
The 7-Hour Version of »The Ring of the Nibelung«
Director: Barresi & Böttcher
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 394 mins.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo
© 2012, a BFMI production in co-production with Deutsche Welle TV and C Major Entertainment
To hon­or Richard Wag­n­er's 200th birth­day, Lat­in Amer­ica's fam­ous op­era house in Buenos Aires hosts a one-of-a-kind pro­ject: Per­form­ing Wag­n­er's power­ful mu­sic drama "The Ring of the Ni­be­lung" on stage in a single day. Is it pos­sible to stage Wag­n­er’s Ring on a single day? The abridged ver­sion by pi­an­ist and con­duct­or Cord Garben clocks in at just un­der sev­en hours. With the help of a su­per­lat­ive cast of Wag­n­er sing­ers, dir­ect­or Valentina Car­rasco, fam­ous for her work with La Fura dels Baus, has trans­posed the plot in­to the 1970s – the peri­od ofAr­gen­tina’s mil­it­ary dic­tat­or­ship. However, the mu­sic re­mains pure and majest­ic Wag­n­er, skil­fully and faith­fully con­densed in­to a re­volu­tion­ary format.
The Ring cycle comes along with the doc­u­ment­ary ‘The Colón Ring – Wag­n­er in Buenos Aires’, provid­ing a thrill­ing ac­count of the epic cre­at­ive jour­ney that took the Colón Ring from its in­cep­tion to the open­ing night.

Das Rhein­gold: 87 mins.
Die Walküre: 112 mins.
Siegfried: 74 mins.
Götterdämmer­ung: 121 mins.

Valentina Car­rasco, artist­ic and stage dir­ec­tion

Roberto Pa­ter­nostro, mu­sic dir­ect­or
Teatro Colón Or­ches­tra
Linda Wat­son, Stig An­der­sen, Jukka Rasil­ain­en, Le­onid Za­hkozhaev, Mari­on Am­man, Kev­in Con­ners, Si­mone Schröder, Ger­ard Kim, Sabine Hof­grefe, An­drew Shore, Daniel Sumegi, Stefan Heibach, Gary Jankowsky.

The DVD-Box in­cludes the doc­u­ment­ary ‘The Colón Ring – Wag­n­er in Buenos Aires