The Colón Ring
Wagner in Buenos Aires
Director: Hans Christoph von Bock
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 93 mins.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo
© 2012, a BFMI production in co-production with Deutsche Welle TV and C Major Entertainment
The film cap­tures the “back­stage drama that con­sti­tutes a saga in its own right. The pro­duc­tion nearly didn’t get off the ground when the com­poser’s great-grand­daugh­ter, stage dir­ect­or and Bayreuth Fest­iv­al co-in­tend­ant Kath­ar­ina Wag­n­er, ab­ruptly with­drew. [...] The 93-minute film in­cludes everything from her al­ter­ca­tions at the theatre, as filmed from a smart phone, to the work pro­cess of com­poser and ar­ranger Cord Garben.

The heroine of the doc­u­ment­ary turns out to be the dir­ect­or Valentina Car­rasco, who jumped in with just four weeks’ no­tice. Left with no choice but to build upon a stark, re­volving set ori­gin­ally de­signed for Kath­ar­ina Wag­n­er, the Ar­gen­tini­an nat­ive, a long-time col­lab­or­at­or with the Span­ish theatre group La Fura del Baus, chose to make chaos her friend rather than her en­emy.”

Re­view by Rebbecca Schmid / Gram­mo­phone

The Colón Ring - The 7-Hour Ver­sion of »The Ring of the Ni­be­lung«
New York Festivals
Silver World Medal
2014 New York Festivals
Category: Film and Video / Film Productions: Documentaries
New York Festivals
Bronze World Medal
2014 New York Festivals
Category: Television - Documentary / Information Program: The Arts
Gold Remi Award - Worldfest Houston
Gold Remi Award
2014 Worldfest Houston
Category: Documentary